
1、withdrawal or estrangement from others.(与别人脱离或关系疏远。)

2、Afghanistan will play soccer at the Asian Games. Mongolia'swithdrawal has given the war-torn nation a confidence boost.(阿富汗将参加亚运会足球比赛,蒙古的退出给这个饱受战争摧残的国家带来了信心。)

3、Undo a deposit with awithdrawal.(可以用取款来撤销存款。)

4、Its commanders said it was a tacticalwithdrawal.(其指挥官说这是一次战术撤退。)

5、Awithdrawal request will cause a check to be printed.(取款要求会导致一张支票被打印出来。)

6、Fill ourwithdrawal form, please.(请填写取款单。)

7、If you experience any unusual symptoms afterwithdrawal of the treatment then contact your doctor.(如果在治疗结束后感到有任何异常症状,请和您的医生联系。)

8、I gotwithdrawal symptoms after giving up smoking.(我戒烟之后出现了脱瘾症状。)

9、To maintain the normovolemia, thewithdrawal of autologous blood must be simultaneously replaced by a suitable hemodilute.(为了维持正常血容量,必须同时用适当的含血稀释剂代替自体血。)

10、You go through laptopwithdrawal.(你经历的是笔记本电脑上的撤退。)

11、Do you have bad newswithdrawal?(你忽略了坏消息吗?)

12、Of course, there's no penalty for earlywithdrawal.(当然,提前退出没有惩罚。)

13、thewithdrawal of leading athletes;(主要运动员的退出;)

14、Colonel Qaddafi called hiswithdrawal tactical.(陆军上校卡扎菲声称他的撤退是战略。)

15、Russia is promising to complete thatwithdrawal by Friday.(俄罗斯答应在星期五前完成撤军。)

16、Crowds at Tel Aviv's main square added to the growing call forwithdrawal from the war-torn territory.(特拉维夫大广场上的人群进一步呼吁从这个饱受战争蹂躏的地区撤军。)

17、Does not believe in setting awithdrawal timetable.(不主张设立撤军时间表。)

18、You needn't fill out thewithdrawal slip.(您不必填取款单。)

19、The newspaper published awithdrawal the next day.(报纸第二天发表了撤销声明。)

20、I went to the machine to make thewithdrawal and it told me to see someone inside the bank.(我到取款机前取款,而机器则指示我找银行里的人。)

21、They announced thewithdrawal of 12 000 troops from the area.(他们宣布从这个地区撤军12000人。)

22、All this points to a pragmatic approach towithdrawal.(所有的这些举措都显示出一种务实的撤军方式。)