
1、The fibre comes out in strands and is then spun intoyarn on a spinning machine.(纤维成缕生出,并纺在纺纱机的细纱上。)

2、I've found that my handwork withyarn has helped my arthritic fingers remain more dexterous as I age.(我发现,随着年龄的增长,我用纱线做手工使患有关节炎的手指变得更加灵活了。)

3、On another, the boatman — also basking in the sun — leisurely twists someyarn into rope.(另一条船上的船夫也沐浴在阳光里,悠闲地用纱线搓着绳子。)

4、At the mill the wool was washed and spun into knittingyarn.(在工厂对羊毛进行洗涤和编织。)

5、In 1700, a spinster with a pedal-driven spinning wheel might take 200 hours to produce a pound ofyarn.(在1700年,一位拥有踏板驱动的纺车的未婚的老女人可能需要200个小时才能生产出一磅纱线。)

6、In a warehouse, modern machines spin wool intoyarn.(在一个仓库中,现代的机器将羊毛卷成纱。)


8、I did a residency with a designer in Japan who used, as a sewing guide, a dissolvableyarn that eventually washed away.(我曾跟随一个设计师在日本实习,这位设计师用一种最终会被冲走的可溶解纱线做缝纫指南。)

9、The woolenyarn made of woolen sticks will be used in industrial production.(毛条纺成的毛纱将被用于工业生产。)

10、This fixed the dollar in relation to metal, but not in relation to things, like shoes oryarn, that dollars could buy.(这将美元与金属挂钩,而与美元可以买到的鞋子或纱线等物品无关。)

11、Numerous in variety: complete in materials and specifications ofyarn.(品种多样化——各种原料组分、各种规格的纱线一应俱全。)

12、Cut theyarn approx. 1 "longer than the diameter of your circle backer."(将毛线剪为比圆直径约长1英寸的线段。)

13、However, in more recent decades, China has gradually recaptured its position as the world's biggest producer and exporter of raw silk and silkyarn.(然而,在最近几十年,中国逐渐恢复了世界上最大的生丝和绢丝生产国和出口国的地位。)

14、A recent email from theyarn company Red Heart titled "Health Benefits of Crocheting and Knitting" prompted me to explore what else might be known about the health value of activities like knitting.(最近,一封来自红心纺纱公司的题为“钩编和针织的益处”的电子邮件促使我去探索像针织这样的活动还有什么其它的健康价值。)

15、Worried your partner is having an affair or the builder's spinning you ayarn?(担心你的伴侣有外遇吗?)

16、They made the ephod of gold, and of blue, purple and scarletyarn, and of finely twisted linen.(他用金线和蓝色,紫色,朱红色线并捻的细麻做以弗得。)

17、Bits of tulle and fuzzyyarn hang mistily from the rafters.(椽条上随意地缠着一片片薄纱和毛茸茸的纱线。)

18、Creative packaging designed to promote Rellana Hair range ofyarn. [link].(将人脸印在包裹毛线的签条上,这种毛线包装是为了推销Rellana公司的毛线系列。)

19、Craft Resources also sellsyarn and embroidery floss.(“手工之家”也售卖纱线和绣花丝线。)

20、In this paper, we mainly discussed the development of hot-melting size and its future application in woolenyarn.(本文中,我们主要论述了热熔浆料的发展及其在粗纺毛纱上的应用前景。)

21、Keep Wires oryarn Untangled - Wrap a rubber band around it before the mess gets out of control.(让电线或纺线不缠成一团-在它们缠成一团失去控制以前给他们套上橡皮筋。)

22、I want some woolenyarn.(我想要一些毛线。)

23、The cold-bed batch type steam dyeing process for woolenyarn by reactive dyes is described in this book.(本书介绍了羊毛纱线活性染料的冷床间歇式蒸染色方法。)

24、The fiber comes out in strands and is then spun intoyarn on a spinning machine.(牛奶纤维成股涌出,在纺织机中纺成纱。)

25、She still spins theyarn and knits sweaters for her family.(她仍在为她的家人纺线织毛衣。)